Creating My Patreon Page

I’ve decided to create a #patreon page. I got the idea from a few fellow upcoming artists because I’ve actually never heard of it. So far it is pretty neat, although it gets a little hard trying to figure out what kind of rewards to give. I basically made it to allow any one who likes my art the opportunity to support me. Everything will go to funding art supplies, art shows, and creating more art. I Anyway, if your reading this stop by the page a become a Patron and it will be greatly appreciated!

Creating My Patreon Page

Central Con

Hi all! OK. So I promise I’ve been trying to catch up with #Inktober and all, I’ve just been super behind. On a good note, #CentralCon was great! It was hosted by Hairy Lion Comics at the Jamaica, Queens Central Library. Lots of people showed up and enjoyed the art. I also gave bookmarks to the kids (on account of the library not letting us sell anything for whatever reason). Despite that, I actually have two potential (don’t want to get my hopes up) clients that are interested in working with me on some children’s books. So let’s hope this is a beginning to a new opportunity! All in all, very successful and enjoyed every minute of it (Photos courtesy of Manuel Patino). Next up: Winter Con!

Central Con