ATCs Artist Trading Cards

So its 2018! I am excited about the new year and eager to move forward in my art profession. I’ve also started to make a few ATCs, or Artist Trading Cards if you prefer. It is very addicting and fun. I saw some artists at the last con I went to who had like boxes full, and I thought that was cool. So keep a look out for some sweet cards created by your truly!

ATCs Artist Trading Cards

Christmas Commissions

Hey all! So I just finished some Christmas #commissions that I will be sending out this week. I also started to try out these #Tombow brush markers on these original prints. I am still trying to get the hang of them and figuring out if I want to use them long term. Kinda as an alternative to digitally coloring them. So far I like them, but like I said,  I need to continue to practice a bit more. Anywho, in case I don’t write a post before the year is over, MERRY HOLIDAYS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

P.S. If you want to see a sneak peek of the commissions, it’s on my Instagram. And don’t forget to visit my #Patreon page!

Christmas Commissions

Creating My Patreon Page

I’ve decided to create a #patreon page. I got the idea from a few fellow upcoming artists because I’ve actually never heard of it. So far it is pretty neat, although it gets a little hard trying to figure out what kind of rewards to give. I basically made it to allow any one who likes my art the opportunity to support me. Everything will go to funding art supplies, art shows, and creating more art. I Anyway, if your reading this stop by the page a become a Patron and it will be greatly appreciated!

Creating My Patreon Page

Central Con

Hi all! OK. So I promise I’ve been trying to catch up with #Inktober and all, I’ve just been super behind. On a good note, #CentralCon was great! It was hosted by Hairy Lion Comics at the Jamaica, Queens Central Library. Lots of people showed up and enjoyed the art. I also gave bookmarks to the kids (on account of the library not letting us sell anything for whatever reason). Despite that, I actually have two potential (don’t want to get my hopes up) clients that are interested in working with me on some children’s books. So let’s hope this is a beginning to a new opportunity! All in all, very successful and enjoyed every minute of it (Photos courtesy of Manuel Patino). Next up: Winter Con!

Central Con

The NYC Grind Presents: Planet X

I promise that I’ve been making art for the past few days! I am participating in #Inktober this year so I’ve got things to show ya (but you can look on my Instagram or Facebook as well. Anyways, I will be at an event this Saturday called PlanetX hosted by The NYC Grind. It is an all female art and lifestyle type of event so it should be fun. Stay posted for pics!



The NYC Grind Presents: Planet X

Style Challenge

I made these illustrations a while back during a Style Challenge. Pretty simple, pick some of your favorite cartoons or artists and try to imitate their style using your own character. I actually really enjoyed it and will probably make another one. A good exercise for me because at times I feel like I don’t have enough time to draw. Gotta change that!


Style Challenge